
WWACG By-Laws will be soon available in the "Library" on this website

How is the WWACG organized ? print PRINT

Legal structure:

The WWACG (WorldWide Airport Coordinators Group) is now a non for profit corporation incorporated in Canada under the Federal Canadian non for profit Corporations Act and registered in Montreal.

The officially registered Purpose of WWACG is available on this website.

The WWACG is an international association representing officially appointed airport coordinators and schedules facilitators around the World. 

Meetings of Members:

The WWACG meets  twice each year in plenary sessions during the International Slot Conferences organized by IATA (International Air Transport Association).

Board of Directors and Officers:

The day to day work of the Association is undertaken by the Board of Directors which can act on behalf of the Members on matters within the remit of the WWACG. 

The WWACG Board consists of not less than five but not more than seven Directors. All Directors are normally elected by the Members at the same time for a 2-years term unless the election purpose is to fill vacancies. These elected members may stand for re-election at the end of their term.
The Board should be representative of the WWACG's different world-wide regions.

The Members elect among the Directors as Officers of the Association a Chairman, 2 vice-chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. 

The WWACG Board  represents the coordinators and schedules facilitators community on the Aviation Industry World Airport Slots Board (WASB). WASB is a forum where appointed airlines representatives, appointed airport managing bodies representatives and coordinators/facilitators representatives can meet to discuss issues of common interest. They work together to produce the Worldwide Airport Slots Guidelines (WASG) which represent the Industry best practices for airport coordination, schedules facilitation and slot monitoring.

 The Directors of the WWACG Board are :

  • Mr Fred Wister (Chairman) - Norway
  • Mrs Petra Popovac (Vice-Chairman) - Australia  
  • Mr Wolfgang Gallistl - ( Vice-Chairman &Treasurer) - Austria
  • Mr Didier Hocq - Belgium
    Mr Hirohiko Kawakatsu - Japan 
    Mr Brian Meehan - United States of America
    Mr Edmond Rose - United Kingdom 
The Corporate Secretary is : Mr Rene Maysokolua (Germany) 

 Some Directors are acting as regional contacts for their colleagues :
Eric Herbane  – Europe
Ernst Krolke  - Africa and the Middle East
Hiroki Takeda - Asia Pacific
Munro Smith – The americas
  • Fred Wister  -  Europe
  • Petra Popovac  - Africa and the Middle East
  • Hirohiko Kawakatsu - Asia Pacific
  • Brian Meehan - The America 

The Chairperson normally acts as the spokesperson for the WWACG.

Directors may represent the WWACG  where an WWACG attendance is required unless a specific representative is selected by the Members of the WWACG.


The Association is funded by the Membership fees paid by the Members and by the voluntary contributions paid by the Partners. 

The Board decides on the funding strategy which is approved at the Meetings of Members. The Board takes responsibility for administering funds on behalf of members and Partners.


Members can support or mentor other Members or Partners by assisting in training and skill development.

The contents of this page are copyright WWACG     Last updated = Tuesday 22 October 2024 12:02:02