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Country France
Contact Mr Grégory Jamet
Title Managing Director
Coordination Company/Agency name COHOR, Airport coordination, France
Address ORLYTECH Bat 522 2, rue du commandant Mouchotte 91550 PARAY-VIEILLE-POSTE FRANCE
Telephone +33149758810
Fax +33149758820
Contact Email
Email Slot Request
computer system SLOTIX - The Slot Coordination tool was designed by COHOR and developed by a software company, Cambridge On Line. COHOR owns the IPR of the software. SLOTIX is available to interested coordinators or facilitators. COHOR also developed jointly with the German Coordination an on-line coordination software : This free of charge web interface can be used by airlines for coordination but also for General and Business Aviation slot requests mainly via Ground Handling agents at French coordinated airports or directly by authorized operators. Via airlines can manage their slot portfolios on several airports around the world. is now managed by an association of coordinators : IACS (International Airport Coordination Support) based in Belgium. All coordinators or facilitators using a coordination software with interfacing capabilities using IATA XML webservices can be connected to

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